07 June 2023

You Know It's A War Right?

Reading the articles about how someone (I'm guessing Russians at this point) blew up a dam in Ukraine.

The tone is universally horror that someone would do such a thing.

Yeah, war is pretty horrible, your point?

Bridges, dams and power plants are legitimate military targets.  The only reason to not blow them up is if you expect to use them soon or keep them after the war.

Yes, it's a humanitarian disaster.  Because, you know, so is war.

So far, nobody's come up with a sure-fire 100% certain method of preventing war.

Perhaps it's because we've gone so long without experiencing one, personally, at home that we're unfamiliar with what war means.


  1. What's next? Targeting civilians? Blowing up power plants? Destroying roads? Oh... My... God... The inhumanity.

    Yeah, pretty horrid, but war is war. If Mother Russia was behind the dam bursting, it would seem that it is an admission of fear of the supposedly coming Uke onslaught, and a buying time to dig in to what land they have. If the Ukes did it, then it is an admission of not being able to make said coming Uke onslaught.

    But there are reports that the dam was showing issues for a week or so, and the road on top was undrivable for a couple days before. Of course, then you get into why the dam wasn't maintained or why the dam started falling apart. Sabotage? Lack of critical resources? Act of God? Some British Dam Busters came through a time loop into the future and hit the wrong bridge? Aliens? Bigfoot? Bigfoot Space Aliens? Bigfoot Space Aliens flying British Dam Buster aircraft?

    Dunno. Shyte happens. Especially in war.

    Didn't see anyone freaking out over the Ukes blowing up Russia's main bridge to Ukeland three times now. The first was 'funny' for definitions of funny. The second and third were hilarious for definitions of hilarious because the Ukrainians waited both times until the bridge was repaired and hit it again.

    1. I demand to see the flight logs for FM213 and PA474!

    2. Actually, the dam road was undriveable for months, as the Russians destroyed it as a defensive measure against Ukrainian forces some good number of months back.

      And Russia's main bridge into Ukraine from Russia getting blown up conveniently doesn't involve drowning tens of thousands of people downstream for 50 miles when it happens, hence the lack of anything but mirth at it being done repeatedly.

      So let's agree to stop acting like any of that was news.

      As to the main point, firebombing cities and dam busting are now inconveniently listed as war crimes and outright terrorism. Now. It was not so in the past.

      We can debate the silliness of that, or the sense of it, but we also condone neither pillaging and burning sacked cities nor raping and enslaving the survivors as rule now either.

      Times, and common sensibilities, change.
      As a general rule, last one to recognize that change goes to the gallows.
      Unless they conquer the world.

      Russia can barely hold the land where 85% of the former occupants were ethnic Russians.
      So for those with normal intellects, that should probably dictate a change in Russian tactics.
      Starting with considering a hasty retreat, and profound multigenerational apologies.

  2. Coming soon; the new hit movie "Dam Buster." starring Tom Cruise, and, hopefully, Cameron Diaz. The story of an elite UAF squadron,armed with a secret weapon designed by Barnj Wallisski in his garage. A heart warming story, especially the part where our heros play fetch with the squadron mascot, The Dog With No Name!


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