01 July 2020

Will This Go On My Permanent Record

I was doing a search of Angus McThag and [CENSORED] to make sure I'd not uttered das verbotten word lest I be quoted out of context.

My name and [CENSORED] don't appear together in many places and it's always someone else saying it in a comment thread I'm participating in.

But since [CENSORED] is included in the search terms, I get results that have [CENSORED] in them but not Angus McThag.

I found me a couple of straight up racist pages and clicked on one because the short blurb seemed to be more against than pro racism.  Nope, totally racist, they were just quoting someone who wasn't racist to further condemn the "[CENSORED] lover."


Now my visit to that site is going to on my permanent record.

That feels less like a joke now than it would have even five weeks ago.


  1. Learn to use a VPN. They are cheap and worth it. Most are click and forget.

    This is not safe enough for real security. That takes a bunch more.


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