02 May 2021

Day Of Silence

There are no posts for May first this year.

I've decided that I will have at least a day of silence in honor of the victims of all forms of socialism.

It's the least we can do but to remember them.

It would be better to not repeat the mistakes that lead to their wholesale slaughter, but human nature seems to want to believe that the impossible is possible, water is not wet, fire will not burn and the Gods of the Copybook Headings will never return.

1 comment:

  1. When millennials and younger march with Soviet, Chicom, Cuban, East German, etc, flags and Che t-shirts, it really makes me angry. What makes me angrier is when they dismiss the opinions of people who grew up under the yoke of oppression in those places. I've heard them say that those people who lived in those places are just jaded and they don't really know what "communism" is about. These idiots believe the BS they read and believe that the old Soviet Union, China and their puppet states are/were actually "worker's paradises" or they blame the western world for the failures of those countries instead of the fact that socialism and communism just don't really work in practice. And it is disgusting when they claim that it isn't true that Mao's China killed 80+ million people during the "cultural revolution" or that Stalin didn't kill 20+ million, or that practically every "Communist" country, Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela, Cambodia, etc., had similar genocides or mass deaths. Every single one. I was never a big fan of the Bushes or Trump. But when I hear absolutely insane statements like they are worse than Hitler, Stalin or Mao... I'm like WTF? Show me where those people are responsible for genocides. And don't tell me a handful of far less than innocent mostly thugs who in my opinion were largely responsible for being in the situations that caused their deaths are the same as 20-80 million outright executed or starved to death at forced labor is at all the same thing. I'm no "blue backer" but let's be real, nothing that has happened since 1865 in the US compares to the deaths at the hands of people spouting Marx's idiotic horse dung in less time.


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